Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What I'm up to.

I'm currently at my in-laws house in Worcester, Ma. We have been here visiting since June 28th and don't head back home until August 28th. Many people may look at a 2 month long visit at their in-laws as a death sentence, I on the other hand really appreciate the time I get to spend getting to know them more and more. But like I said previously I am going to give the honest truth, the good the bad and the ugly. There are some challenges though; living in a house with eight people and one shower is a huge challenge alone.
Do in-laws ever lead to arguments between you and you spouse?


  1. Hi Joyclyn!
    I have a good time with my in-laws... but not for two months! You are a brave woman my friend! LOL

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  2. Yes we have had our arguments surrounding the in-laws but most of them seemed to revolve around how they were grandparenting the children and holidays.
